The Point

This is a long term project aimed at completing two goals. The first is my personal reward for obtaining my goal body weight; the second is to replace my current wardrobe with a capsule wardrobe.

Because I am totally crazy pants, I am actually entertaining the idea of making all of these pieces myself. More in the sidebar.

Below you will find the thought process for the original capsule wardrobe idea. This was before having a kid and realizing that, realistically, I needed to rethink some things if I wanted to pull of the whole “sexy chic mom” thing.

To view my capsule wardrobe “mommy edition,” visit this link.

The Process

There are several major steps in completing this project. 1)

Number One

Purchased pieces should come from brands that are known for the longevity and craftsmanship, as well as for the ethical business practices. 2)Originally I had hoped for an all-American wardrobe, but the majority of clothing brands I have found that are made in America have a distinctly “American” look to them. Lots of denim and leather, lots of more “poppy” clothing. Very few classic/traditional pieces. Those brands exist, but they often don't carry articles that I actually find interesting, which just makes things all the more complicated. This is the primary reason I am entertaining the idea of making my own clothing. See sidebar again.

Number Two

Determining pieces. Most importantly, everything should fit together. In terms of composition, all fabrics should be natural - 100% cotton, wool, silk, etc. The capsule wardrobe that I created is only composed of example pieces. I have no intention of actually buying any of the pieces that are in that image, with the exception of the Frye boots. Everything else is just a stand-in for the piece I will eventually buy. 3)

Number Three

There is a certain aesthetic that I've unintentionally acquired over the past two years, which I've been slowly coming to terms with in the professional environment and trying to make work on a personal level as well as a fashionable level.

I am talking, of course, about my fabulous leg hair.

As of May 2019, it has been 23 months since I last shaved my legs. This isn't a political statement or a statement of laziness, but it is something that I seem to be very committed to. It's just a current truth under heading “Hiles, Hannah” and one that I'm sticking with.

It does mean that there are aesthetic and fashion choices that I think have to be altered. In my opinion, it means that a fitted bodice, full skirt, pink floral print, and yellow kitten heels are out the window. But maybe it also means that Doc Martens, a more flowy, gothy, knee-length dress, are very in.

The Pieces

The wardrobe will eventually be made up of the following. See visual examples here.








1) Who I am kidding, there are at least a dozen sub-steps.
2) So far, this includes: LL Bean, J. Crew, Everlane
3) Or make because I am crazy