Research is a big deal to me. I completely credit my parents with this fixation of mine, as my entire childhood was filled with me asking questions and never getting answers. My parents would either answer with a question, or would point me in the direction of the most likely place for me to find that answer 1)

It's because of my love of research that I decided to enter academic librarianship.

Outside of that career choice, I like taking on various research projects, both to keep my research skills sharp, as well as to delve deeper into my own personal curiosity banks.


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1) This more often than not was my father's Harvard dictionary, a 15-pound tissue-paper-printed tome with size 6 font. It was the bane of my existence, and it's because of that dictionary that the most memorable book ever given to me was “My First Dictionary” at the age of 9, easily a quarter the weight of my father's dictionary, and as a bonus, illustrated for easy look-ups. Never has a child been happier to be told, “Go look it up in the dictionary.”