If You Build it, Clothes Will Manifest

Not to be confused with the Me Made Wardrobe, although that will go inside of this when all is said and done.

Our house was built in the 1960s. Simpler times. Folk had fewer stuff and smaller bodies, and closets were designed and constructed without whimsy or grandeur or flair, so as not to arouse deeper desires for more elegant wardrobes.

We're gonna fix that.

There's a couple big components to this project and they're focused in sections 1 and 2 marked in the diagram above.

The unmarked sections are the current closet space and are, arguably, under-utilized. Section 1 was previously used, but with a wall blocking off the south side of it. A narrow gap was accessible on the west side to reach inside the space and store/remove items. Less than ideal.

Original Design

Section 1 will be converted into a wardrobe for my side of the closet. The existing closet space will be revamped to be primarily storage for hanging items, shoe storage on the bottom, and shelf space up top. The new wardrobe unit will provide several drawers for non-hanging clothes, as well as shelf space up top for items like off-season boxes, bags, boots, etc.

Section 2 in the above drawing will be converted to linen/house storage. The original design was for a series of cubbies which would go down to the floor; version 2 called for the top half to be cubbies and for the bottom half to be drawers. This side of the build will be for extra linens, toiletries overstock, and some extraneous house storage.

Final Design

The final design calls for 2 identical units.

Each unit features:
