Professional Development Plan


Year Zero: 2016

Year One: 2017

This will be the first year of my library science career. As I wrap up my time in internships volunteering, I'll be able to see a clearer outlook on my future positions as an academic librarian. My work experience will have given me a solid foundation and competitive edge in the university workforce, and will hopefully also make me a valuable asset to my university's team of librarians.

Year Two: 2018

My second year within the university library system may include some movement. By this time, I will have discovered where I am most comfortable working in the library, and which projects I am most effective at applying myself towards. It is during year two that I will be able to full expand my work portfolio and CV with more teaching experience, academic research, and hopefully a scholarly publication.

Year Three: 2018

During my third year, I believe I will have become established enough in my position at the library to begin opening doors to the programming that I have seen become so influential at other academic institutions. The two that I see as being most powerful are establishing an Accessibility and User Experience 1) department or program, and creating a sister-program to Wake Forest's ZSR Library's own Thrive program.

Year Four: 2019

With an AUX program in place, the library will have even more tools to help determine how effective their programming, physical spaces, web layouts, and instruction are. In this year, the first usability tests and observational studies will begin. Additionally, Wake Forest's sister program of Thrive will launch on a small scale.

Year Five: 2020

Year five will be one of reflection and examination. The Thrive mirror program will have gone through heavy adjustments to ensure that it is serving the student body as strongly as it can. The AUX program will possibly be on its way towards full department status. Either way, both programs will require constant monitoring and readjustment through the use of assessment and evaluation, things which will serve the librarians maneuvering them as well as the students benefiting them.

1) AUX